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People Archives - Visualizing Chinese Immigration
Meet Lao Li

Meet Lao Li

Meet the People Xinjiang Lao Li is the pen name of Cliff Li. Cliff Li was born in 1957 in Shanghai. He went to Xinjiang when he was five with his parents, who was sent there as Xinjiang reconstruction teachers. Li spent most of his young life in Xinjiang. Li’s whole...
Meet Douglas

Meet Douglas

Meet the People Mr. Hsia was born in a wealthy Shanghainess family in Hong Kong. In 1974, Mr. Hsia and his mother immigrated to the U.S. under the family reunification category. It didn’t take Mr. Hsia a long time to adjust to the new life in the U.S. Coming from Hong...
Meet Clarence

Meet Clarence

Meet the People Mr. Chu was born in 1952 in Guangzhou, and moved to Hong Kong in 1956 in seek for asylum. There are 8 children in his family. His grandfather had suffered from political persecution after the communist party took over China in 1949. Fortunately, his...
Meet Marcus

Meet Marcus

Meet the People Marcus Lam came to US from HK via Vancouver in 1982. In his word, He was not a “good student” in his family. His family a long history of immigration. His great grandfather and grandfather used to come to U.S. as labor workers. His great grandfather...
Meet Bonnie

Meet Bonnie

Meet the People Bonnie came to America through marriage. Her husband is a Hong Kong immigrant to the U.S. During one summer, her husband came back to Hong Kong and met Bonnie. Bonnie had a part-time degree from the Chinese University in Hong Kong. She worked for...
Meet Chris

Meet Chris

Meet the People Cheung’s father used to work for the KMT government in China. After the 1949 revolution, the KMT government fled to Taiwan and split into two sides. Chris’s father stood on the wrong side during that time, which resulted in 10 years in prison. When...